All Enemies
MATK damage 5 times *Ignores Counterattacks
Skill Gauge 15% down 3 times
Brainwash x 3 turns *Only affects Aesir, Elf, Therian, Jotun
[On Brainwash] Self
Skill Gauge 30% down
DEF 20% down x 1 turn
MDEF 20% down x 1 turn
All Enemies
MATK damage
30% A.T. Field x 3 turns *A.T. Field decreases incoming damage & is canceled out if both heroes have A.T. Field
3 back Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 front Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
All Enemies
MATK damage
30% A.T. Field x 3 turns *A.T. Field decreases incoming damage & is canceled out if both heroes have A.T. Field
3 back Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 front Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 back Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 front Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
2 front Enemies
Slow x 3 turns
Shade x 3 turns *Only affects Aesir, Elf, Therian, Jotun
2 back Enemies
Slow x 3 turns
Shade x 3 turns *Only affects Aesir, Elf, Therian, Jotun
All Enemies
MATK damage
30% A.T. Field x 3 turns *A.T. Field decreases incoming damage & is canceled out if both heroes have A.T. Field
3 back Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 front Enemies
MATK damage
Skill Gauge 20% down
2 front Enemies
Slow x 3 turns
Shade x 3 turns *Only affects Aesir, Elf, Therian, Jotun
2 back Enemies
Slow x 3 turns
Shade x 3 turns *Only affects Aesir, Elf, Therian, Jotun
All Enemies
MATK damage
30% A.T. Field x 3 turns *A.T. Field decreases incoming damage & is canceled out if both heroes have A.T. Field
All Enemies
50% MATK damage 10 times *Ignores Barriers *Ignores Counterattacks
Elemental Resistance