All Enemies
Light MATK damage 5 times *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Thunderchain x 5 turns *Only affects Human, Elf, Jotun, Beast
Reckoning x 5 turns *Only affects Human, Elf, Jotun, Beast
All Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Light Wound x 3 turns
Quick x 3 turns
MATK 20% up x 3 turns
Skill Gauge 20% up
3 Enemies with the highest ATK
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 back Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
All Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Light Wound x 3 turns
Quick x 3 turns
MATK 20% up x 3 turns
Skill Gauge 20% up
3 Enemies with the highest ATK
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 back Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 Enemies with the highest ATK
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 back Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
All Enemies
Holychain x 3 turns *Only affects Human, Elf, Jotun, Beast
All Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Light Wound x 3 turns
Quick x 3 turns
MATK 20% up x 3 turns
Skill Gauge 20% up
3 Enemies with the highest ATK
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
3 back Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Skill Gauge 20% down
All Enemies
Holychain x 3 turns *Only affects Human, Elf, Jotun, Beast
All Enemies
Light MATK damage *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Light Wound x 3 turns
Quick x 3 turns
MATK 20% up x 3 turns
Skill Gauge 20% up
All Enemies
50% Light MATK damage 10 times *Ignores Shields *Ignores Barriers
Elemental Resistance